
December 21, 2007

New Year's Resolutions 2008

The New Year is rapidly approaching and before we know it, we’ll be making our resolutions. In addition to making standard New Year’s resolutions such as promising to get more work done, eat healthier and watch less television, Quantum Shift TV is asking you what you’re be doing for the planet. Of course, you get to use your creative video making skills in answering that question. The Quantum Shift TV 'New Years Eco-reSOLUTIONS' video contest challenges the public to upload short videos answering the question "What are you doing for the planet in 2008?" Videos can be uploaded at from now until January 15.

Voting will remain open through January 22 and winners will be announced on January 23. First Prize wins a package of prizes including a year's worth of carbon offsets for the winner’s personal consumption. Other prizes include eco-friendly products and gift certificates. We here at Black Turtle Media support the green movement and encourage you to enter this contest. We also look forward to an exciting new year here at Black Turtle Media. In addition to announcing new and exciting contests, Black Turtle Media will be adding all kinds of new features to give its users a one-of-a-kind experience in fostering creativity and preparing for success. Happy Holidays!