Richard Schrand is the department chair for Computer Graphics at Nossi College of Art. He is responsible for overseeing the hardware, software, and student necessities for the college. He also does freelance work. His website can be found at http://www.nossi.com/.
How do you explain your job to your mother?
How do you explain your job to your mother?
I’m an educator.
How did you get started?
30 years in the broadcast industry with numerous awards. Upon being downsized, I started my own company then decided to give back by teaching one or two classes. This has turned into a 40+ hour per week career. So, in a nutshell, I fell into it.
What's your educational background? How did you get experience?
I have a degree in Broadcast Communications from Northern Kentucky University. My experience came from working in the industry overseeing broadcast graphics and print graphics for more than 20 years.
What was your first job in the industry?
The very first job I had was creating an “Emmy Consideration” ad for Janice Pennington from The Price Is Right. The ad ran in the Hollywood Reporter and Variety magazine.
How do you sharpen your skills and/or stay motivated?
I love what I do, so it doesn’t take much to keep motivated. I read 20 magazines a month, I have contacts around the world that I stay in touch with….basically just a network of top-notch individuals in the various aspects of the industry.
What advice do you give to those who want to join your profession?
Know that you will never stop learning. Don’t be complacent. And always know that even the best you do today is not the best you will accomplish tomorrow.
What was the last project you worked on?
I did some company positioning package for a jewelry chain.
Describe a typical day (or week) in your life when you're working?
I teach 8 four-hour classes – at both the associate and bachelor levels. Between classes and on days when I don’t teach, I am working on client projects or on any books I might be contracted to write.
A Series of Questions:
What’s the best thing about your job?
Staying up on and ahead of the trends for the design industry.
What major job annoyance would you eliminate forever?
Where do you find inspiration?
Literally, everywhere.
What’s your personal motto/slogan?
I can’t direct the wind, but I can adjust the sails.
If you could go back in time and meet to your pre-professional self, what would you tell him/her?
Enjoy the ride. It’s going to be fascinating.
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